
Pedodontics and Functional Orthodontics: complete approach to the small patient

Private Professionals
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LANGUAGE : Italian – ECTS //
DURATION: 60 hours 

30 hours – theoretical lessons

30 hours Hands on training


the course is oriented to complete clinical and managerial management in pediatric dentistry through theoretical lessons, hands-on sessions on models and clinical internship in the Pedodontics and Orthodontic Department – Zovencedo Dental Clinic and Torri di Quartesolo (VI) – EIMS affiliated Teaching Hospital

The course offers a theoretical and practical path (lectures, online lessons, hands on training  in laboratory, internships / project work in accredited centers) with the aim of training experts in pediatric dentistry and interceptive orthodontics; the course intends to propose a multidisciplinary vision on the aspects of growth and development of the young patient.

The pediatric dentist has a fundamental role in the correct development of the child. It is able to intercept and treat pathologies and dysfunctions that affect development in its essential aspects: chewing, breathing, speech, posture and cognitive ability.

The course provides the knowledge and clinical protocols to manage small patients in different aspects. From the psychological approach, to the management of the first visit with the formulation of individual prevention protocols, to sedation techniques, from non-invasive therapies to complex therapies up to all functional aspects with knowledge of orthodontics and orthodontic technique.

The approach is mainly clinical but also intends to include managerial aspects such as the creation and management of an efficient pedodontic practice, the rules for the development of one’s business, regulatory aspects and marketing.

At the end of the Advanced Course, participants will have acquired the skills and practical bases for the diagnosis and treatment of dental  diseases frequently encountered in pediatric and adolescent patients; participants will be able to manage small patients with regards to psychological, dental, orthodontic aspects and will have the skills for the managerial management of pedodontic activity.

The skills acquired can be used in public and private dental facilities dedicated to the management of patients in developmental age, including those with special needs.

Scientific Director dott. Pierluigi Pelagalli
Clinical Director dott. Sergio La Bella
Dott.ssa Barbara Bianchi

Dott.ssa Francesca Corrado

Dott. Domenico Fontana

Dott Filippo Framarin

Dott. Andrea Imposti

Dott. Sergio La Bella

Dott.ssa Teresa Latini

Dott. Attilio Molino

Dott. Roberto Olivi Mocenigo

Dott.ssa Francesca Olivi Mocenigo

Dott. Pierluigi Pelagalli

Prof. Riccardo Poli

Dott.ssa Alessandra Scapini

Dott. Alessandro Spadoni

Dott.ssa Anthea Zanella

Dentists interested in acquiring basic knowledge in pedodontics and orthodontics to face daily clinical needs

4 modules € 3200 + VAT

1° module 11/12 February 2022
2° module 11/12 March 2022
3° module 20/21 May 2022
4° module 10/11 June 2022



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