
Private Professionals Courses

Basic Clinical Periodontology Course

[mvc_ihe border_width=”1″ image_id=”5184″ image_alt=”Domestic” border_color=”#8c8c8c”]The learning objective of the course  is Improve and promote periodontal health globally as part of oral health, general health and well‐being.

Therefore the participants will learn also to practice the basic therapeutic acts (Scaling and root planning, main periodontal flaps and sutures), performing hands-on-modelthe theoretical concepts learned.[/mvc_ihe]

My first orthodontic course

[mvc_ihe border_width=”1″ border_color=”#8c8c8c” image_id=”5582″]The learning objective of this course is present an accurate and as complete as possible vison of Orthodontics, starting from diagnosis to get to the description of the treatment of different malocclusions

The course will be held in Italian language[/mvc_ihe]

L-PRF® Course

[mvc_ihe border_width=”1″ image_id=”6138″ image_alt=”Domestic” border_color=”#8c8c8c”]The aim of this course is to provide the biological and clinical basis for the correct use of L-PRF. Clinical protocols, scientifically validated, will be proposed; the various advantages of L-PRF compared to conventional regenerative procedures will be explained[/mvc_ihe]

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