This Higher Education Programme: Award in principles of surgery for Implantology is accredited by the Malta Further and Higher Education Authority (MFHEA), to be delivered by European Institute of Medical Studies (EIMS) under the licence number 2018-004 and Licence Category: Higher Education Institution.
Malta Visa requirements for third country nationals
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This award is intended as Continuous Professional Development (CPD) related to implantology for qualified and practicing general dental practitioners.
At the end of the course the learner will have acquired the responsibility and autonomy to:
address common clinical problems in oral surgery, including complications and emergencies
apply clinical protocols in oral surgery
apply the correct approach in surturing and flapless surgery
Qualified and practicing general dental practitioners requiring modularised CPD leading to internationally oriented postgraduate training in implantology
A recognised dental degree (Level 6)
Evidence that applicant can practice dentistry in country where degree studies were undertaken and/or country of origin.
A sufficient mastery of English at least at CEFR B2 level or equivalent.
If applicants have not graduated from an English speaking country, dental degree certificate translated with apostille.
Applicants who are not native or second language English speakers and do not have a minimum CEFR B2 level or equivalent qualification in English shall be assessed by the Admissions Board of the EIMS (pls refer to EIMS QA Policy) to determine that they have sufficient mastery of English to undertake this Award with profit.
click here to access the Programme and General Assessment Procedures of Study Award in Principles of Surgery for Implantology (EIMSPASI)
Since it is theoretically based, sessions will be in classroom and small-group format, with a mix of inductive and deductive approaches. The former presents specific case-studies and research results leading to the understanding of more general principles of basic surgical science for implantology. The latter starts from such general principles and applies them to specific case studies and dental practice situations. The learning dynamics is a strongly dialogical one since the tutors and participants are all professional peers with a range of experience and expertise that will be tapped during discussions.
This Award shall be assessed in two components:
- a) 120-minute paper-and-pencil questionnaire carried out in Malta, having 60% of the final grade
- b) 15-minute one-on-one oral examination having 40% of the final grade
The questionnaire shall be a 100-item multiple-choice questionnaire with four alternative answers per item, assessing knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, and evaluation. The pass-mark for each assessment component is 50%. 60%.
The oral examination shall be face to face on a one-to-one basis. It shall be undertaken physically, or by skype or equivalent, according to what is most convenient for students whilst ensuring security of examination conditions. If the interview is to be undertaken by skype or equivalent, EIMS shall make arrangements with an appropriate institution to ensure that the interviewee is being supervised to ensure fit-for-purpose examination conditions (alone in room, no contact with third parties, no aide-memoires, no distractions).
1° MODULE: 27 Feb – 2 March 2025
2° MODULE: 24-27 April 2025
course fee € 1500
click here to send your request
The Award in Principles of Surgery for Implantology serves as a Continuous Professional Development (CPD) for already qualified and practising general dental practitioners. Since this programme is a CPD, it does not lead to a warrant to practice the dental profession.