


Award in Basic Surgical Sciences for Implantology

This award is intended as Continous Professional Development (CPD) related to implantology for qualified and practicing general dental practitioners.
a)     address common clinical problems in oral surgery, including complications and emergencies

b)     apply clinical protocols in oral surgery

c)     apply the correct approach in surturing and flapless surgery

Knowledge – at the end of the module/unit the learner will have been exposed to the following:
a)     Basis for oral surgery:

–   anatomy of lower and upper jaw, tongue, palate, paranasal sinuses and nasal cavity, floor of mouth, gingiva, pharynx, larynx, trachea, cheek, lips, bone characteristics, nervous and vascular structures.
– physiology and histology of bone.

General medicine knowledge, Anesthesiology ,  Cardiovascular knowledge, endocrinology knowledge,  neurology knowledge

–   Rationale for dental implants

–   Radiographic imaging

–   Biomaterials  for dental implants,

–   Clinical biomechanics in implant dentistry, bone response

–   ultrasonic surgery, laser surgery

–   Prosthodontics knowledge, which includes:

·   the morphological, aesthetical  and functional  aspects of the prosthesis in oral surgery and implant surgery through the revision of prosthetic materials and the biological response to them

·   the occlusion role during the implant  surgical step

·   the role of prosthesis during the restorative step during healingand in the aesthetic requests

·   the whole prosthetic procedure that helps and simplifies oral and implantological chirugia during the implant surgical approach;

b)    surgical clinical protocols

–   treatment plans, natural teeth and implants,

–   posterior single tooth replacement in lower and upper jaw

–   maxillary and mandibular posterior edentulism

–   maxillary and mandibular anterior edentulism

–   fixed restoration on implants,

–   removable restoration on implants

–   general concept of guided bone regeneration,  bone transplant, bone augmentation, sinus lift, split crest, soft tissue surgery,

–   periodontal surgery, zygomatic implants, guided implant placement;

c)     principles of suturing and flapless surgery

–   rationale for sutures and techniques

–   materials characteristic

–   flap design

–   suture design

–   periodontics surgery

–   guided tissue healing

–   rationale for flapless surgery

–   mini incision technique

–   punch technique

d)    principles of assessments of the surgical patient

–   anamnesis and treatment plans

–   specialists consultations

–   specialists team

–   available bone and dental implant treatment

–   aesthetics and prosthodontics  goals and dental implant treatment

–   partially and total  edentulous patients

–   parafunctions  and implants treatments plans

–   treatment plane on not healthy patients (oncologic, diabetic, geriatric, organ transplanted , kidney/epato diseases, cardiopathic , smoker, alcohol addicted, drug addicted, neurologic diseases, psychologic diseases, drugs therapy, bone anomalies);

e)     appropriate use of drugs for pain control

–   anesthesiology knowledge

–   anesthetic procedure

–   anti-inflammatory treatments

–   FANS, Cortisol

–   antimicrobics and antibiotics treatments;

 f)     identification of complications and emergencies

–   implant maintenance protocols

–   preimplantitis

–   implant fracture

–   bone fracture

–   bone infections


–   abscess management

–   haemorrhage management

–   neurologic lesions

–   sinusitis.

Skills – at the end of the module/unit the learner will have acquired the following skills:
Applying knowledge and understanding

The learner will be able to:

a)     record a medical, dental and social history

b)     undertake and record a detailed clinical  examination

c)     formulate treatment pathways for specific patient scenarios

d)     adopt and adapt different clinic and surgical solutions according to incoming data

e)     use appropriate surgical skills for manipulation of tissue (hard and soft) during surgery.

 Judgment Skills and Critical Abilities

The learner will be able to:

a)     analyze, assess and interpret patient data in the light of applicable research

b)     apply the basic knowledge and principles of biological science and clinical methods to problems of professional practice

c)     Recognize emergency situations in the dental chair and display competence in managing such events

d)     choose the correct surgical procedures for specific scenarios

e)     select the correct techniques of suture and of flapless surgery protocols for specific scenarios.

Module-Specific Communication Skills

The learner will be able to:

a)     communicate with a specialist audience (dental practitioners) to convey understanding and mastery of basic surgical science knowledge related to implantology

b)    improve English oral skills through formal and informal interaction with fellow international participants of the course.

Module-Specific Learner Skills

The learner will be able to:

a)     contribute to sharing of discussion, experiences and learning within the community of reflective peers participating in the course

b)     make an assessment of further CPD needs

c)     take initiative to undertake further self-study and CPD building on successful completion of this Award

d)     continue reading and following relevant research developments in the field.

Module-Specific Digital Skills and Competences


Contemporary Implant Dentistry (Misch)

Currently in its third edition (2008) This is a foundational reference text in the sector, and still very much in use. The 4th edition is planned for 2019, at which point the reading list will be updated:

Dental Implant prosthetics (Misch) (2014)

Clinical Periodontology and implant dentistry (Lindhe) (2008)

This is a foundational reference text in the sector, and still very much in use. It has been selected pending planned publication of updated edition, at which point the reading list will be updated.,subjectCd-DN60.html

Plastic-Esthetic Periodontal and Implant Surgery: A Microsurgical Approach (Zuhr) (2012)

Interactive lectures, workshops
This Award shall be assessed in two components:

a) 120-minute paper-and-pencil questionnaire carried out in Malta, having 60% of the final grade

b) 15-minute one-on-one oral examination having 40% of the final grade

The questionnaire shall be a 100-item multiple-choice questionnaire with four alternative answers per item, assessing knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, and evaluation. The pass-mark for each assessment component is 60%. This passmark has been decided upon undertaking a review of relevant best practice in the field, a summary of which is provided in the table below:

Participants are informed in writing of the marks achieved in both assessment components.The final grade shall be awarded as per table below. Passing grades are A to D.

The oral examination shall be face to face on a one-to-one basis. It shall be undertaken physically, or by skype or equivalent, according to what is most convenient for students whilst ensuring security of examination conditions. If the interview is to be undertaken by skype or equivalent, EIMS shall make arrangements with an appropriate institution to ensure that the interviewee is being supervised to ensure fit-for-purpose examination conditions (alone in room, no contact with third parties, no aide-memoires, no distractions).

A grade E allows the participant to resit the part of the assessment, the oral and/or the questionnaire, in which the 50% pass-mark was not achieved.

Participants may appeal their result. Such appeals are governed by the relevant regulations in the EIMS QA Policy.

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