AEMID, European Academy of Mini Dental Implant, provides courses to allow dentists to propose an alternative to bone grafting for their patients. Mini implants takes part of mini invasive dentistry and give the ability to treat patients with a reduced bone quantity. This teaching is both theorical and clinical to give all the informations to the attendees for a successful treatment.
The general learning outcome is to offer the theoretical practical bases for the mini-implant techniques. At the end of each modular course the participant will be able to plan and dea the first cases with Mini Dental Implants. The courses are modular and and will offer a gradual approach to the most complex procedures
The course is divided in 3 modules :
- – Module 1 : Mini -Implants and Stabilization of complete dentures. The aim of this first module is to develop this amazing solution regarding bone physiology, biomechanics and treatment planning. During this session, clinical cases are shown and hands-on are proposed to allow the dentists to start with mini-implants, and Q&A at the end of the session.
- – Module 2 : Mini-Implants and Fixed Prosthesis. The aim of this module is to discover the use of mini-implants for fixed prosthesis. Single unit, multi unit fixed recontructions are treated and all the requirements for these solutions are exposed. During this session, clinical cases are shown and hands-on are proposed to make this type of treatment a reliable solution, and at the end of the session Q&A.
- – Module 3 : Mini-Implants and Complex cases. The aim of this module is to expose the advantages of the use of mini-implants in complex cases, in combination with conventionnal implants or alone. Clinical cases are described.
Dr. Patrick Bermot DDS BIO
General Practitioner :
Understand, integrate and master the use of mini-implants
Propose implant treatment without surgery to your patients
Grow your implant business by providing simpler implant solutions
Raise the satisfaction rate of your patients through easier, faster treatments
Benefit from a personalized support for your first cases.
Integrate and master the use of mini-implants
Propose complex implant treatments to your patients without doing complicated surgeries or bone grafting.
Grow your implant business in raising the satisfaction rate of your patients.
Increase the acceptance rate of your estimates through easier, faster and less expensive treatments for the patient.
Each modules fees: 480 €.
- Module 1 :
- Module 2 :
- Module 3 :